মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১০

Tips for Injury:

1.Neem Leaves: Grind about twenty leaves of neem tree and strain it through a cloth and remove the juices by pressing the cloth tightly. Add half teaspoon of turmeric powder in it. Keep one clean cotton cloth in this juice and keep the vessel containing juice for heating. After heating for ten minutes, put off the gas. Then tie this cloth over the injured body part. You can also apply the crushed neem leaves paste directly over the wound before placing a bandage over the wound. Neem leaves have antiseptic properties and are effective in reducing the pain of the injury. This is the most tried home tips for injury.
2. Onion Juice: Fry some onion slices in ghee and then crush them to make poultice from them. Apply this directly over the injured body part and then tie a clean cotton bandage over it.
3.Kerosene: If while doing your kitchen work you accidentally injure your finger and it starts bleeding then kerosene will help you here. To heal the wound tie a piece of cloth dipped in kerosene over the injured finger. Keep on sprinkling kerosene over this cloth so as to keep it moist. The kerosene will stop the bleeding and will also heal the wound fast.
4.Holy Basil Leaves: Crush the fresh holy basil leaves and make a poultice from them. Apply this over the injured body part and cover it with bandage. This will cure the injury fast.
5.Alum: To stop the bleeding form the injured body part alum is very useful. Crush alum pieces and apply them on the injured part. Barbers mostly use this remedy when they accidentally cause any injury to their customers.
6.Betel Leaves: These leaves are very useful in treating the injuries. The paste made from the fresh betel leaves should be applied on the injured body part and then the injured part should be covered with bandage. One clean leaf of betel plant is also effective in healing the injury. Place this one single leaf over the injured finger and tie it with cloth bandage.

রবিবার, ২৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯

tips for lips

1. Massaging lips with ghee and leaving a thin layer of it on lips overnight acts as a natural protection for lips.
2. Repeatedly apply herbal moisturizing lotion on lips.
3. Apply honey or glycerin on lips.
4. Apply a thin coat of natural balm on your lips before applying lipsticks.
5. Dip a black tea bag in warm water and press it on lips for three to four minutes.
6. Do not lick lips repeatedly.
7. Dip small cotton gauze in warm clarified butter (ghee) and place it on lips for 20 minutes.
8. Remove your lipstick before going to bed using a herbal cleanser and apply a thin layer of ghee on lips.
9. Make the most of your luscious lip color by starting with a lip primer to condition your lips and give your lipstick all day staying power.
10. At night, apply a thin layer of Vit E based lip balm before you go to bed. You need to do lip mask too once a week. Natural fruits (avocado, banana) lip mask is good to nourish your lips.

শনিবার, ২৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯

Traditional medicine, fevers were the most common condition and also a main cause of death, herbal remedies have been largely geared towards treating fevers for centuries. Herbal management of fever has been shown to be very effective specifically because it aims towards helping the body get through its fever. The herbalist sees fever as an opportunity to strengthen and improve the body's defenses.

Some herbal tips :
Medical experts concede that though normal body temperature is graded at 98.6 F, this is a standard average. Some people's body temperature is normally higher, while others is normally lower. A fever is defined as a body temperature above 100.5 degrees F. Body temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus part of the brain; this is the body's thermostat. It has been suggested that fevers can be useful to some extent because the increase in temperature creates an environment in which some pathogens cannot survive.

Treat a fever with echinacea, which is also has great antiviral and antioxidant. It is available in extracts, tinctures, tablets, capsules, and ointments. It is also available in combination with other herbs, vitamins and minerals. The recommended dosage for an adult is:1 to 2 grams dried root or herb, as tea 2 to 3 ml of standardized tincture extract 300 mg of powdered extract containing 4% phenolics Tincture (1:5): 1 to 3 ml (20 to 90 drops) Stabilized liquid extract: 0.75 ml (15 to 23 drops) Halve the dosage for a child. Use licorice as another herbal means of treating fever. A typical dose of whole licorice is 5 to 15 g daily. It is not recommend the use of doses this high for more than a few weeks. For long-term consumption, about 0.3 g of licorice root daily is safe for adults.

Treat a fever with thyme. This medicinal herb is also great for treating bronchitis and laryngitis. Prepare thyme tea by adding 2 teaspoons full of dried herb into a cup of boiling water, steep for 10 minutes then strain. 1-2 grams of herb should be taken several times a day until the fever breaks. A fluid extract, 1/4-3/4 teaspoon (1-4 ml) three times per day, can also be used. Another alternative is to use a tincture, 1/3-1 teaspoon (2-6 ml) three times per day.
Tips & Warnings
Echinacea should not be used by people who are allergic to the daisy-like plants of the Asteraceae family (eg. Ragweed).
Echinacea is not recommended for use during pregnancy
or nursing.
Echinacea should also be avoided by people with progressive systemic diseases such as tuberculosis or multiple sclerosis.
Taking high doses of licorice for two or more weeks may cause high blood pressure, fluid retention, and symptoms related to loss of potassium.
Do not use thyme during pregnancy or nursing.
Do not use thyme if you have kidney or liver disease.
Do not ingest essential oil of thyme

Source : ehow.

শুক্রবার, ২৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯

Some related links :

1. herbaltips
2. All Tips
3. Uses of herb
4. Photo of herbal item
Travel Tips for Winter:
1. Eyeglass prescription
2. Immunization and medical records
3. Layered winter clothing
4. Lip balm
5. Medical Alert bracelet (if applicable)Name and phone number of your doctor
6. Personal medications in original containers Portable handwash towelettes
7. Sun glasses
8. Sunscreen with minimum SPF of 15 or higher
9. Tissues
10. Umbrella & Winter hats
11. Waterproof outerwear
12. Winter boots
Skin care herbal tips :
1) Drink water : Hydrate your skin from within by drinking lots of water. Herbal tea is also great when it’s really cold. Your skin will soon have a healthy glow. So drink up and don’t let your skin go thirsty.

2) Humidifier : One good option would be to put moisture back into the air. A humidifying system can help your skin remain supple instead of cracked and dry.

3) Exfoliate : A good boy scrub and facial exfoliate can help remove dead skin cells from your body. Add this to your cleansing routine once a week. Not only will you feel fresh but your skin will be free from all that old dry cells. Now you’re ready to moisturize!

4) Oil based moisturizer : This will help protect your skin from moisture loss. Choose one that comes in an ointment form as it will contain 80% oil. Creams and lotions may tend to dry out the skin rather than keep it moisturized and soft.

5) Sunscreen : Don’t say goodbye to your sunscreen just because summer is over. Before you leave your house, apply a sunscreen with at least an SPF of 15 or more. This will protect your skin from the elements.

6) Gloves : Choose a good quality pair that does not irritate the skin. If you’re allergic to wool, wear a cotton mitten underneath. It will help keep your hands dry and warm.

7) Flaxseed oil :Although it doesn’t taste very great flaxseed oil can moisturize your body from the inside. Since it is rich in vital fatty acids it can do a lot for your overall health.

8) Oil bath : Nourish you skin by adding a few drops of these oils into your every day bath. It will do wonders for your skin.

9) No blow dry : The blow drier is not your friend in winter. Try the tousled look or the wavy style this winter. Hot air dries out your scalp and can irritate your skin as well.

10) Don’t lick : your lips we mean. If you do, you’ll only chap your lips even more. Keep a lip balm in your purse and apply it when you’re tempted!

বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯

Some tips for meditation:
1. Prepare your body for meditation
Your physical condition has a tremendous influence on your mind. This is true for your day to day activity, but even more so when it comes to meditation. You can prepare your body for meditation by eating the right food, and by coming to meditation with an empty stomach. Eating the right food, means food which strengthens the body but doesn’t have any adverse affect on the mind. If you consume products that make the mind dull or over-stimulated then it will be much harder to meditate. And whatever your diet is, when you sit down to meditate, it should be on an empty stomach. That is why one of the best times to meditate is in the morning, before you have had your breakfast. Another good time is in the evening, before the evening meal.

2. Prepare Your Mind for Meditation
Just as your body must be prepared, so must your mind. Before you start meditation you must convince yourself, that this period of meditation is your time for personal growth, and that it is important, as important as anything else in your life. When you close your eyes to meditate, you should not jump up to answer the phone, or get ready to leave your meditation due to some slight disturbance. If you convince yourself of the importance of meditation, then your example will also convince others around you and they won’t disturb you during meditation. So, remember your periods of meditation are one of the most important parts of your daily routine, and treat them as such.

3. Sing Before Meditation
The Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore once said, “God respects me when I work, but He loves me when I sing.” That explains the place of song and music in all the great spiritual traditions. Before you begin meditation you can sing spiritual songs, whose meaning elevates your mind. It doesn’t matter if you have “good” voice or a “bad” voice, sing from the heart, and your mind will go to a point that will be the ideal starting point for your meditation.

4. Sit in a Proper Position
Remember when you were in school and the teacher looked around and saw someone slumping in his or her seat, and she said “sit up straight!” She had a good point; when the back is straight the mind is alert. Sit in a position that will keep the back straight. Sit with cross legs in a simple position, or a half-lotus or a full lotus. In addition to making the mind more alert, these positions help you to rest the various motor organs, and provide a peaceful physical base for your meditation.
In the beginning these positions may seem difficult or uncomfortable, but if you can get used to them, they will help you to deepen your meditation.5. Follow the Meditation Instructions Exactly
Remember carefully what your meditation instructor taught you and do your best to carry it out, exactly according to the instructions. Don’t experiment and make up your own method. The various systems of meditation are based on thousands of years of experience, so you don’t have to try to figure out what to do. Take advantage of the age-old knowledge of the past, and you will make rapid strides towards a bright future. If you have forgotten any part of your meditation method, go and see your instructor and get a review of your lesson.

6. Be Regular in Your Meditation Practice
This is one of the key factors to success. Meditation works, if you work. If you only do meditation once a month or on whim, when you feel like it, then it will be impossible to be successful and realize the benefits of meditation: mental clarity, inner peace, love for others and spiritual awareness. Make meditation a part of your daily routine. Just as surely as the sun comes up each day, do your meditation without fail. Fix a time for it in the morning and evening and do it on a regular basis If you get into the habit of doing your practice regularly, then you have taken one of the single most important steps towards success in meditation, and indeed, in your life.

7. Be Patient
“Rome wasn’t built in a day,” and similarly you cannot make miraculous changes in your personality or in your spiritual life in just one sitting of meditation. Don’t be discouraged if you feel that nothing is happening. Meditation is a subtle art, the changes come slowly but surely. Keep on practicing and your meditation is sure to deepen and you will indeed be successful

-Author : Dada Vedaprajinananda

10 useful herb :

1. Aloe (Aloe vera)
2. St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
3. Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis)
4. Ma-Huang (Ephedra sinica)
5. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
6. Astragalus (Astragalus species)
7. Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)
8. Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
9. Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa)
10. Cayenne (Capsicum annum)
Dear Viewer,

- Md. Abul Basher

Some common causes of abdominal pain:
Hunger, Overeating, Fatigue, Over-exertion, Gastroenteritis, Food poisoning, Appendicitis, Peptic ulcer, Food poisoning, Gallstones, Intestinal obstruction, Hernia, Constipation

Herbal tips of medicine:
It is advisable to add fiber rich foods in your diet and drink lots of water to prevent such pains.
1) Peppermint oil is one of the best cures for abdominal pain.
2) Take 1 tsp of mint juice and add it to a cup of water. Drink this mixture to get instant relief from abdominal pain.
3) Drink hot water with lemon and peppermint.
4) Triphala dietary supplements are very effective in treating abdominal pain
5) Ginger is a well known remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal problems and irritable bowel syndrome.
6) Soak 1 teaspoon of grained cardamom seeds in a cup of water, wait 10 minutes, drink 3 times a day preferred before eating.
7)Boil 1 tsp of carom seeds in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Strain the liquid and add a pinch of salt to it. This will give you instant relief from abdominal pain.
8) Chewing 1/2 teaspoon of celery seeds with a pinch of salt and then consuming warm water over it also helps you get rid of abdominal pain.
9) Always eat light food while you suffering from an abdominal pain and eat only easily digested food.
If your pain in. the abdomen lasts for more than six hours or is getting worse you should consult the doctor immediately.

Joint pains problem has become more evident because of the changes in lifestyle and diet most adult people undergo presently. Relief for the pain and discomfort caused by joint inflammations can be achieved by using home-made remedies involving all-natural components.

Boswellia : Boswellia's extract is noted to be effective in reducing pain, swelling, and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis. It inhibits inflammation-causing substances, speeds up cartilage formation, and improves blood supply to the joints. It has been used for centuries in India by Ayurvedic physicians as one of the most effective arthritis herbal remedy.

Ashwagandha : Ashwagandha is an asian plant which is classified under the “potato” family. It has earned its title of being the “Indian Ginseng” since it has been noted to be a very effective treatments for conditions like rheumatism, high blood pressure, immune dysfunction, inflammation problems, and even erection problems.

Ginger : Ginger is known to inhibit production of prostaglandin and leukotriene which are the usual components present during conditions involving pain and inflammation. Ginger has provided a degree of pain relief to the individuals without causing any other side effects.

Menthol and Camphor : Menthol and Camphor are chemicals known to ease muscle tightness and are usually contained in various backache medications.

শনিবার, ১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯

Tips for ear problem:
Main Ear Infections Symptoms : Pain, Fluid in the Ear, Fullness or Decreased Hearing, Fever & runny nose.

Ear infections are the most common reason that children make extra trips to the doctor, take antibiotics, or even have surgery. Antibiotics are given to children for ear infections more than any other health concern. Most doctors prescribe antibiotics for treatment of ear infections, but antibiotics are over-prescribed and cause many side-effects including a weakened immune system.

Preventing for Ear Infections :
I. Breastfeed your child
II. Massage your child
III. Ensure proper nutrition, adequate sleep and decreased stress
IV. Limit the size of the nursery your child attends
V. Stop giving your child a pacifier (i.e. dummy)!
VI. Avoid germs
VII. Provide opportunities for plenty of fresh air
VIII. Avoid passive exposure to cigarette smoke
IX. Avoid having your child drink while lying down
X. Identify and treat allergies.

Main harb for ear treatment:

1. Dhatura leaves: Juice at least 25ml of Dhatura leaves and boil it with a few drops of oil in a tin basin over gentle fire. Filter and preserve the resulting solution on a clean bottle. Apply a few drops of the oil in the ear to treat the pain.
2. Cloves as earache Remedy: Cloves help provide relief for earache. Sautee cloves on sesame oil and wait until it warms. Put 2 to 3 drops of the solution in the affected ear two to three times a day.
3. Treat Ear Pain with basil: Extract the juice of basil leaves and put 2 to 3 drops of it into the affected ear. Basil is considered very helpful for the treatment of ear pains.
4. Marigold for Ear Pain: Marigold is one of the most effective herbal treatments for earache or pain. Bring to boil several pieces of marigold leaves and let it warm. Extract the lukewarm juice and put 2 to 3 drops on the ear to relieve the pain.
5. Garlic : Peel the skin from the bud. Cut the bud into the right size to fit the outer ear canal if it is sore or inflamed. Apply the garlic encased in gauze to prevent blistering.
6. Ginger : The Meskwaki Indians crushed and simmered the root as an ear poultice.
7. Mullein: The yellow flowers of mullein provide an excellent earache oil which relieves internal and external pain and ear eczema. Steep the flowers in sunlight for twenty one days. Strain out the oil. Add additional mullein flowers and repeat the process several times. Mullein oil is available from reputable homoeopathic pharmacies.
8. Onion : Roast the onion to modify its acrid oil, then apply it hot to the ear to relieve pain and control discharge from the ear.
9. Chamomile Steep : Chamomile steep the flowers in boiling water. Strain out the water, and apply the hot flowers in a cloth for alleviation of the earache.

বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯

Tips of baby's teeth care:
Start cleaning your child's mouth even before her teeth come in. Wipe the gums off after each feeding with a warm, wet washcloth or a dampened piece of gauze wrapped around your finger.

Baby’s first teeth preserve the spacing for the permanent ones and help baby chew and talk. If they're not cared for properly the can decay, leading to a gum infection called gingivitis, which can affect the spacing of permanent teeth.

The first signs of cavities in baby teeth are discoloration and minor pitting. Putting baby to bed with a bottle of milk (or juice) is notorious for causing cavities. Don't leave your infant with a bottle for long periods of time, especially if you notice he's no longer feeding and is just using the bottle for comfort.

Most infant foods easily wash off baby's teeth with just a drink of water after meals. But it's good to introduce a toothbrush as soon as possible, so baby can get used to having it in his mouth. You probably won't need to use the brush to actually clean baby's teeth until he's eating only table foods, at around 18 months. However, you'll want to gently clean your child's teeth with a toothbrush or thimblelike cleaner and some bicarbonate of soda if your toddler has eaten sticky, sugary foods.

Begin using a pea-size amount of nonfluoride toothpaste once baby is about age 2. Wait until at least age 3, when your child is old enough not to swallow the toothpaste, before introducing the fluoride kind.

Even though your baby isn't using a fluoride toothpaste, he should get enough fluoride -- important for preventing tooth decay -- from drinking tap water. Most communal water supplies have it added just for this beneficial purpose. Ask your doctor about fluoride supplements baby can take once he's 6 months old if your tap water is not fluoridated or your child doesn't drink any tap water.

The American Dental Association recommends that baby get his first dental exam at age 1, but most pediatricians agree that the first visit can wait until age 3, as long as you practice good home care.

If you take good care of this first set of pearly whites, you can establish good dental habits for years to come.

Tips for your teeth care.
All of the many dental care products on the market are useless if they are not used the correct way. That is why it is important to know how to properly care for your teeth.
You should select toothpaste that caters to the needs of your teeth. For instance, if you have some tooth discoloration, you may want to select whitening toothpaste. If you have bad breath, you may want to select toothpaste that claims to freshen breath as it cleans. If you have sensitive teeth that respond to hot and cold temperatures or sweet and sour foods, you may want to select toothpaste that is specifically made for sensitive teeth.
Toothpaste is used to enhance the dental care experience by providing a tasty paste that goes on teeth and chemicals that can prevent plaque and cavities. Most experts recommend that the most effective toothpastes have fluoride in them. However, many people have begun to use natural toothpastes in order to avoid any negative effects from the long-term use of the chemicals found in toothpaste.
As far as toothbrushes go, most experts recommend that consumers use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Soft bristles stimulate the gums. On the other hand, medium or hard bristles may damage the gum line over time.
In order to keep a toothbrush clean and free of bacteria, you may want to purchase a toothbrush sterilizer. A toothbrush sterilizer can get rid of up to 99% of germs that may linger on toothbrush bristles after use.
Since people often get colds or the flu, toothbrush bristles can be susceptible to bacteria and germs. A toothbrush sterilizer may make you feel safer around your toothbrush. Most toothbrushes are put away wet, and the moist environment provides a healthy breeding ground for all kinds of unhealthy things. Some toothbrush sterilizers use the same cleaning technology that hospitals use. Using a UV lamp, the toothbrush sterilizer claims to get rid of harmful germs that attach themselves to the toothbrush bristles.

With the correct combination of toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, you are on you way to causing your pearly whites to last a lifetime. Be sure to brush twice a day with a back and forth motion. Do not forget to brush the gums and the back teeth. You should brush your teeth for a minimum of two minutes every time you brush.

When flossing, remember to take your time and move the floss underneath and in between each tooth. After you have finished flossing all of the teeth in your mouth, floss all of your teeth one more time to make sure you got every piece of food out. If you use the above methods and choose your products wisely, proper dental care will be the easiest part of your day.

Some tips for teeth whitening:
Do not take sugary foods in any form. Chocolates are also not good. If you do consume such foods, never forget to wash your mouth thoroughly with strong gargles so as not to leave any sweet residue in the mouth. Do not take excess tea and coffee. These beverages contain strong alkaloids which can stain the teeth. Smoking also makes the teeth lose the white coloration of the teeth. Paan is also disastrous to the whiteness of the teeth. Include pungent, bitter and astringent foods in your daily diet. These tastes have an astringent effect on the teeth that helps to maintain them clean. They also take care of the excess buildup of plaque on the teeth, which makes them lose their pearly white color. Brush your teeth after every meal, or at least in the morning and before going to bed. While brushing your teeth, take care to sweep out all the embedded food particles. Excess consumption of antibiotics is also harmful for teeth and gives a stain.Eat guava, apple, sprouts, carrot, sugarcane, and cucumber fruits to prevent yellowing of teeth. Drink lots of water as this makes your skin hydrated and removes plaques from your teeth. Include green and fibrous vegetables in your diet to keep your teeth white and bacteria free.

All content here, including advice from doctors and other health professionals.


Menthol is an organic compound naturally occurring in mint plants. It is also synthetically manufactured. Menthol is widely used in a number of products and features certain therapeutic qualities. It was first isolated from peppermint oil in 1771 in the West, but it may have been in use in Japan for much longer.
It has a variety of uses and is found in many manufactured products as a perfume, flavoring and even moisturizer. However, menthol also has many medicinal properties and can soothe pain, relieve cold symptoms, aid in digestion and promote oral health. Most of menthol uses are related to its stimulation of the skin's cold receptors. This property makes menthol produce a cooling effect when inhaled or applied to the skin. It has local anesthetic and counter-irritant qualities and is sometimes used for short-term relief of sore throat and mouth irritation. This ingredient is often used in products used for relief of muscle aches, sprains, and similar conditions. The therapeutic effects of menthol include germicidal and tonic effects, but it is the local anesthetic action that is most often used, as well as the fact that it reduces itching and tenderness. Use menthol to soothe sore throats and suppress coughs. There are many commercially available brands of inhalers and cough drops that contain anywhere from 3g to 10g of menthol. Use menthol to maintain oral health and combat gum disease. Menthol is often found in commercial mouth washes. Peppermint oil can be rubbed on swollen gums, mouth ulcers and cavities to soothe discomfort and kill bacteria. Use menthol to treat muscle pain and skin irritation. Menthol has analgesic properties and is often found in mentholated topical creams that can sooth muscle pain. Peppermint oil can also be rubbed directly on the skin to soothe irritation caused by hives, poison oak, poison ivy, or razor burn. Use menthol to aid in digestion and treat bloating, gas, diarrhea or symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.